Showing posts with label Dota Allstar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dota Allstar. Show all posts

Feb 19, 2013

DotA IMBA 3.85 AI EN Download - DotA IMBA Map

DotA IMBA 3.85 AI EN Map is one more addition in the huge database of DotA based fun-mode maps. The term imba is derived from "Imbalance" word which is often used as online gaming slang. DotA IMBA is certainly an imbalance map, It has IMBA-fied abilities of every hero in DotA. Imagine meat hook with 3500 range and POTM's Elune arrow going through the whole map.

DotA 6.77b Hidden Heroes Leaked!

Jan 12, 2013

DotA 6.77b Map Download & Changelogs

DotA 6.77b
Dota 6.77b Map has been officially released by IceFrog. This is the second version of v6.77 series which addresses bugs such as; death streak bounty, brilliance aura and some tool tips.. It also removes the Christmas themed objects that were put in place earlier.
You can now download the new DotA 6.77b.

DotA v6.77 AI Map Download

DotA 6.77 AI Plus Map Download. As the official DotA 6.77 came out with a little changes to the gameplay, it didn't take much time for the AI team to port the bots to v6.77. This map has came from the same Chinese developer who released the unofficial DotA 6.76c AI. So, here's the new DotA 6.77 AI until PBMN's version comes out.

DotA v6.77 AI Cheated Map (Gold Hack)

Hello guys,

This is the cheated map(Gold Hack) for DotA v6.77 AI.
You can use it only on LAN game.


Since we received lots of complaint that most of people know about our regular password, we decided to put the activator inside the folder.


Have fun!

Dec 28, 2012

DotA v6.77 AI 1.1.7 Fun 2.7b [RELEASED]

The DotA 6.77 AI 1.1.7 Fun 2.7b map has been released. This map is a modified/enhanced version of official DotA 6.77 AI which contains 45 extra heroes and items just for fun. It contains Old Lifestealer, Silencer, Cloud Strife, Spongebob and other new concept heroes. Also, there's a shop with ultra-powerful item recipes. 

DotA 6.77 AI Download [RELEASED]

DotA 6.77 AI Plus Map Download. As the official DotA 6.77 came out with a little changes to the gameplay, it didn't take much time for the AI team to port the bots to v6.77. This map has came from the same Chinese developer who released the unofficial DotA 6.76c AI. So, here's the new DotA 6.77 AI until PBMN's version comes out.

Dec 23, 2012

DotA v6.77 Collided Map (Pro Mode)

Hello guys!
Sorry for late post. This is a collided map(pro mode) version for dota v6.77 map.
Always remember that there is no cheats on this map so don't bother to ask for the activator.

DotA v6.77 Cheated Map (Gold Hack)

Hello guys,

This is the cheated map(Gold Hack) for DotA v6.77.
You can use it only on LAN game.

Dec 15, 2012

Dota 6.77 Changelogs (Patch Notes)

Dota 6.77 Changelogs Official DotA 6.77 Map Changelogs. The v6.77 brings stability to Dota by bringing tweaks to heroes and items. Centaur Warchief, Treant Protector, Phoenix and Magnus have received some noticeable changes.

DotA Version 6.77 Released