Apr 12, 2013

Sven - The Rogueknight Guide

Sven - The Rogueknight

Range: 128 | Move Speed: 295
Primary: STR
Str: 23 + 2.7 | Agi: 21 + 2.0 | Int: 14 + 1.3
Damage: 54 – 56 | HP: 587 | Mana: 182
HP Regen: 0.94 | Mana Regen: 0.57
Attack Speed: 0.71 | Armor: 2
Storm Bolt
Storm Bolt (T)
Targets an area around an enemy unit and releases a magical hammer dealing damage and stunning enemy units. 250 AOE
Level 1 - Deals 100 damage and stuns
Level 2 - Deals 175 damage and stuns
Level 3 - Deals 250 damage and stuns
Level 4 - Deals 325 damage and stuns
• The AoE targeting reticle must be centered over an enemy unit.
• The projectile can't be dodged by blinking or moving away.
Mana Cost: 140
Cooldown: 15
Comment: Has a casting range of 525. Blocked by linken, and unable to target Magic immuned units. Activation of Avatar after the casting but before the impact will make the bolt useless. The projectile can be dodge by some skills. This is your one of your main skill.
Great Cleave
Great Cleave (C)
Sven strikes with such force that all nearby enemies take damage. 200 AOE splash
Level 1 - 20% damage is splashed.
Level 2 - 30% damage is splashed.
Level 3 - 40% damage is splashed.
Level 4 - 50% damage is splashed.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Comment: Correction: 10/20/30/40% damage is splashed AOE of 175 This skill is situational. If there are heroes which holds enemies in place, then take this right after toughness aura. Also, if your team have problem clearing large creep waves, you can consider getting this skill early.
Warcry (W)
With the righteous anger of one wielding Justice, Sven lets loose a mighty Warcry, heartening his allies for battle. Sven and nearby allies gain movespeed and increased armor.
Level 1 - Gives +3 armor and 12% movespeed.
Level 2 - Gives +6 armor and 12% movespeed.
Level 3 - Gives +9 armor and 12% movespeed.
Level 4 - Gives +12 armor and 12% movespeed.
• Fully stacks with other armor-giving auras from items.
• Fully stacks with other abilities and items that give a bonus to movement speed.
• Area of Effect: 700
• Duration: 6 seconds
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 36/30/24/18 seconds
Comment: Correction: Increases base armor by 2/3/4/5 Its a very useful aura. Helps in pushes and team fights. Not as worth as stats to get early but still a useful skill once reached mid game.
God`s Strength
God`s Strength (R)
Sven gets pumped up! Adds bonus damage for 25 seconds.
Level 1 - Adds 100% damage.
Level 2 - Adds 125% damage.
Level 3 - Adds 150% damage.
• Only increases base damage and that given by the primary attribute of Sven. Raw bonus damage is not increased.
• Can only be removed by Purge (from Diffusal, Stone Gaze, Unstable Current or the Satyr Trickster)
Mana Cost: 100 /150/ 200
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Comment: Can be purged. This is great hero killing + raxing skill. Just be very careful whens theres diffusal blade.

Skill Build:1. Storm Bolt 

2. Stats
3. Storm Bolt
4. Stats
5. Storm Bolt
6. God`s Strength
7. Storm Bolt
8. Stats
9. Stats
10. Stats
11. God`s Strength
12. Toughness Aura
13. Toughness Aura
14. Toughness Aura
15. Toughness Aura
16. God`s Strength
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Great Cleave
23. Great Cleave
24. Great Cleave
25. Great Cleave

Item Build:

Ancient Tango of Essifation 
Active: Eat Tree
Eats a tree to restore 115 HP over 16 seconds. Purge will end the effect even though the status icon will remain.
Note: Stacks with itself in inventory. 3 charges.
Ironwood Branch 
1 All Attributes
Cheap stats for HP/damage and mana
Empty Bottle 
Active: Regenerate
Restores 135 HP and 70 mana over 3 seconds. Effect ends if you take damage. When used, Magic Bottle 3/3 changes to 2/3, 2/3 changes to 1/3, and 1/3 changes to Empty Bottle. Can't be used when Empty Bottle. 0.5 second cooldown.
Active: Rune Capture
Stores a rune in an Empty Bottle. When a rune is used, this item is refilled to Magic Bottle 3/3. Stored runes are automatically used after 120 seconds. Can't be drop if it has a rune stored.
Note: This item is refilled to Magic Bottle 3/3 when near the fountain.
Constantly replenish yourself with HP and Mana, gives you a bit more choice on when to use PowerUps
Boots of Travel 
100 Movement Speed

Active: Teleport
- Teleports you to an allied non-hero unit or building
- Casting time: 3 seconds
- Manacost: 75 mana
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Shares cooldown with Scroll of Town Portal

Note: Movement speed bonus does not stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, Tranquil Boots or Boots of Speed.
Double clicking teleports you to your fountain.
Boots of Speed + Boots of Travel Recipe Scroll
Mobility for constant Ganking, and a free ride home after a chase
Heart of Tarrasque 
40 Strength
300 HP
Passive: Health Regeneration
Regenerates 2% of max health each second. Only regenerates health when the bearer has not taken damage from a player owned source or Roshan in the last 6 seconds (ranged) or 4 seconds (melee). Doesn't stack with itself.
Messerschmidt's Reaver + Vitality Booster + Heart of Tarrasque Recipe Scroll
Ultimate tanking item
Mask of Madness 
Passive: Lifesteal
- 17% lifesteal on attacks
- Orb effect

Active: Berserk
- Gives 100 attack speed and 30% movement speed but causes you to take 30% extra damage
- Lasts 12 seconds
- 25 manacost
- 25 seconds cooldown

Mask of Death + Mask of Madness Recipe Scroll
Should be gotten right after Bracers, gives burst attack speed + ms to chase and rax (destroy enemy buildings)
6 Strength
3 Agility
3 Intelligence
3 Damage
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength + Circlet of Nobility + Bracer Recipe Scroll
Basic item for a HP, damage and Mana boost
6 HP Regeneration
250 Hit Points

Passive: Damage Block
70% chance to block 40 attack damage if wielder is melee, or 20 damage if wielder is ranged.
Ring of Health + Vitality Booster + Stout Shield
(optional) Great item for tanking huge creep waves, and early hero attacks
Black King Bar 
10 Strength
24 Damage

Active: Avatar
- Gives magic immunity
- Duration and cooldown decrease each time it is used
- Manacost: 0
- Duration: 10/9/8/7/6/5 seconds
- Cooldown: 80/75/70/65/60/55 seconds

Cannot be sold

Ogre Axe + Mithril Hammer + Black King Bar Recipe Scroll
(optional, but recommended) Get this if you are or are afraid of being hex/stuned/slowed during God Strength
Assault Cuirass 
35 Attack Speed
10 Armor
Passive: Attack Speed Aura
Adds 20 attack speed. 900 AoE
Passive: Positive Armor Aura
Adds 5 armor. 900 AoE. Affects buildings. Doesn't stack with armor auras from Assault Cuirass, Ring of Basilius, or Vladmir's Offering.
Passive: Negative Armor Aura
Remove 5 armor to enemies. 900 AoE. Affects enemy buildings.
Plate Mail + Hyperstone + Chainmail + Assault Cuirass Recipe Scroll
(optional) End game item, essential for tanking and pushing

A brief introduction to this great hero:


-High base damage/stats
-Strength as primary attribute
-Has both late/early game skills-Has ranged stun
-Has armor aura, good for pushing and team fighting


-Purge/disables are a direct counters to ultimate
-Low mana pool
-Almost below average movespeed

Role in the team:

-Gank initiator

Starting items if picked RK:

6 Tangoes, 2 Clarities, 4 Branches (598 gold)

Starting item if randomed RK:

1 Boots or Bottle, 2 clarities, As many Branches (only buy a courier if there’s none in your team, ask for control sharing if there is)


Lane Picking: 

Always try to go to the Bottom of Sentinels and Top of Scourge with another great lane control hero, because that’s where the enemy heroes are most vulnerable when the first waves of creeps meet. Other lane is also Okay if there’s special request from teammates. Try not to solo unless special situations.

And very obviously, take last hits and do not spam Sbolt.

First Blooding at level 1:

Go with at least 1 ally and peep at your enemies before initiating to make sure you and your teammate aren’t taking unnecessary risks. At least 1 of you should approach from the back, especially heroes with closed ranged spells.

You should be the initiator; start it with a normal attack followed by a Storm Bolt (Sbolt for short) or simply with a Sbolt. It has a cooldown of 8 sec, so always try to use twice if needed. That’s the reason why learning stats is very important at early even levels.

Never use Sbolt to KS (kill steal/snatch) unnecessarily.

Animation cancelling is very important at this stage. Move to the desired place immediately after your Sbolt appears, and after your weapon strikes the enemy or after the appearance of cast projectile, in this case, stormbolt.

1. Attack Animation 1 (damage point)
2. Attack Animation 2 (damage point)3. Cast Animation (cast point)
(captured using CaptureWiz, model opened with War3ModelEditor's MPQ browser) 

Warning!: Do not get into range of tower unless you are very sure you can kill or the tower is still hitting creep ATM. 

Recommended Heroes to lane with (in order of my personal preference):

TS, Lina, Jakiro, VS, Venomancer, PoTM, SandK, Tiny...

Remember, early game is when your storm bolts are most effective. Keep picking up runes with your bottle andgank as much as possible. You may not kill but you have to keep your enemies under level and under farmed.

Item Goals:

At the end of early game(lvl 10),

try your best to get at least a Bottle, Boots, and about 2 bracers.

Maybe a Mask of Death(for Mask of Madness or HotD)/Ring of Health(for Vanguard)/Stout Shield(for Vanguard)/Ogre axe(for BKB) if you had farmed quite well.

Always keep a scroll of town portal with you before your boots of travel.


Author : sfsy1