- IMDB link: 0479143
- FilmTied link: Rocky Balboa
- Detected quality: 720p
- IMDB rating: 7.3 (77,828 votes)
- RottenTomatoes: 76% 77%
- Genres: Action, Drama, Sport
- Movie: Rocky Balboa
- Release date:
- Language: English
- Subtitles: English
Cast: Dolph Lundgren, Sylvester Stallone, Mr. T, Talia Shire, Mike Tyson, A.J. Benza, James Binns,Michael Buffer, Tony Burton, Tim Carr and others

Rocky Balboa comes out of retirement to step into the ring for the last time and face the heavyweight champ Mason 'The Line' Dixon.
[FORMAT]:.......................[ MP4
[GENRE]:........................[ Action | Drama
[FILE SIZE]:....................[ 650MB
[RESOLUTION]:...................[ 1280*688
[ASPECT RATIO]:.................[ 1.85:1
[FRAME RATE]:...................[ 23.976 fps
[LANGUAGE ]:....................[ English
[SUBTITLES]:....................[ English (SRT File)
[RUNTIME]:......................[ 1h 41mn
[SOURCE]:.......................[ 720p
Screenshots :