Photoscape is software or applications made by mooii tech which is a product of korea. Photoscape basic plan that is easy and fun to very likely the user to easily edit pictures taken from a digital camera or camera gadgets. Photoscape provide a user interface for doing additional pictures sederahan public accounting adjustments of color, crop, resize, print and animated gif.
Photoscape there could only be used for those of you who use the Windows operating system only, for mac and linux you can not use photo editing software. The language he uses is still the English and Korean versions have support for Indonesian.
Specifications or Features Photoscape
- viewer: see the pictures in a folder and make a slideshow
- ubahor photo: resizing, brightness and color adjustment, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balooon, mosaic effect, give the text, insert pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal, blooming, clone stamp
- photo-batch ubahor: to cultivate the most pictures with gentlemen, changing the name of the photo with the most as well.
- page: combining partial photo so the poster-like single pages or so of the final photo.
- gif animation: make part of the image so animated gif.
- print: print the pictures for specific events, like a passport photo, or lined pages like paper charts or calendars.
- screen capture: put the monitor into an image file.
- color picker: determines the color of the screen pixels.
- raw converter: convert raw image format to jpeg format.
- face finder: to mememukan same face through the internet.